A pen placed on a notebook. Text displays “January 14 to February 28, 2023.”

The Discipline Committee hears matters regarding allegations of professional misconduct and/or incompetence which have been referred by the Complaints Committee following investigation. The College is mandated to publish a summary of its disciplinary decisions and reasons when the Discipline Committee makes a finding of guilt. These disciplinary decisions are then

A pen placed on a notebook. Text displays “November 10, 2022 to January 13, 2023.”

The Discipline Committee hears matters regarding allegations of professional misconduct and/or incompetence which have been referred by the Complaints Committee following investigation. The College is mandated to publish a summary of its disciplinary decisions and reasons when the Discipline Committee makes a finding of guilt. These disciplinary decisions are then

A person taking notes on a notebook with laptop in front of them.

Since August 2022, the College, in collaboration with the Ontario Coalition of Rape Crisis Centres and Action ontarienne contre la violence faite aux femmes, has been offering members and employers facilitated trauma-informed care workshops, designed to support members in completing the Sexual Abuse Prevention Program. These optional workshops include the

A mother playfully holds a child in the air. The child is laughing.

Fostering children’s holistic development and well-being is foundational to an RECE’s practice and reflects their unique expertise and experience. RECEs are familiar with the common developmental domains and continually seek to develop a deeper understanding of child development in their work with diverse children, families and communities. These domains, listed


The Discipline Committee hears matters regarding allegations of professional misconduct and/or incompetence which have been referred by the Complaints Committee following investigation. The College is mandated to publish a summary of its disciplinary decisions and reasons when the Discipline Committee makes a finding of guilt. These disciplinary decisions are then

Headshot of Dr. Jean Clinton on a pink background. Text Displays, “Dr. Jean Clinton. Self-care and healthy brain”

Part of the role of an RECE is to nurture the development of children in your care, as well as the families that surround them, and to put the needs of others at the forefront. It’s important, challenging work, and it requires strength and resilience. We know that self-care is