The Discipline Committee hears matters regarding allegations of professional misconduct and/or incompetence which have been referred by the Complaints Committee following investigation. The College is mandated to publish a summary of its disciplinary decisions and reasons when the Discipline Committee makes a finding of guilt. These disciplinary decisions are then


RECEs have a responsibility to renew their membership every year. CECE automatically sends a reminder two months before the renewal date. Membership can easily be renewed online. Tips for renewing your membership: Be sure to answer all the mandatory questions as indicated by a red asterisk (*). The online form


To support communication and collaboration with adults in your practice setting, the College has introduced a Practice Guideline on Communication and Collaboration. The Practice Guideline is available as a digital resource, making the content interactive and easily accessible for all members. Daily communication and collaboration are two activities that RECEs

Educator and children with face masks in learning setting.

The beginning of fall is often a time of transition. As an RECE, you have strategies and practices to guide children, families and colleagues in your practice setting through these changes. However, the pandemic has created unfamiliarity for many. Beyond the typical transitions involved with starting a new program or

Amplifying voices

As part of the College’s commitment to anti-racism, we recognize the importance of amplifying diverse voices of leadership within the profession, and the benefits of discussion and sharing of experiences, perspectives and reflections. This space is dedicated to RECEs who are interested in contributing to this conversation. Please email us

June 28 to August 23, 2021

The Discipline Committee hears matters regarding allegations of professional misconduct and/or incompetence which have been referred by the Complaints Committee following investigation. The College is mandated to publish a summary of its disciplinary decisions and reasons when the Discipline Committee makes a finding of guilt. These disciplinary decisions are then

March 16 to June 7, 2021

The Discipline Committee hears matters regarding allegations of professional misconduct and/or incompetence which have been referred by the Complaints Committee following investigation. The College is mandated to publish a summary of its disciplinary decisions and reasons when the Discipline Committee makes a finding of guilt. These disciplinary decisions are then