Serving on the College Council offers an opportunity for Registered Early Childhood Educators (RECEs) to have a say in the governance of their profession. Election 2024 is fast approaching. Members in good standing can nominate themselves to run for Council. Nominations for Districts 3, 4 and 8 (South East, Central East …
Council meets four times a year to oversee the College of Early Childhood Educators’ (College) activities in regulating the profession in the public interest. Here are highlights from the meeting held on October 25, 2023. In the spotlight Kate Manson-Smith, Ontario’s Deputy Minister of Education, attended the meeting. In her …
The College of Early Childhood Educators is pleased to notify registered members of the 15th Annual Meeting of Members. Date: Wednesday, January 17, 2024 Time: 5:00 – 6:00 p.m. ET Location: Virtual meeting The goal of this meeting is to inform members of Council activities during the previous fiscal year. …
The Discipline Committee hears matters regarding allegations of professional misconduct and/or incompetence which have been referred by the Complaints Committee following investigation. The College is mandated to publish a summary of its disciplinary decisions and reasons when the Discipline Committee makes a finding of guilt. These disciplinary decisions are then …
September 2023 marks 15 years since the College of Early Childhood Educators (the College) began to take in applications from individuals in Ontario, to become Registered Early Childhood Educators (RECEs) – the only early learning professionals in Canada recognized as part of a self-regulating profession. Today, our membership numbers more …
One of the most common practice issues the College sees is inadequate supervision of children. While RECEs intentionally create and maintain safe environments that support children’s play and learning, there are many factors that make supervision challenging. For instance, transitioning children from one area or activity to another, lack of …
RECEs have an immediate duty to report to a Children’s Aid Society (CAS) if they have reasonable grounds to suspect that a child has been harmed or is at risk of harm or injury. This is outlined under section 125 of the Child, Youth and Family Services Act, 2017 (CYFSA). …
Discipline Decisions Summary: Decisions posted from July 5, 2023 to September 7 2023
September 27, 2023
The Discipline Committee hears matters regarding allegations of professional misconduct and/or incompetence which have been referred by the Complaints Committee following investigation. The College is mandated to publish a summary of its disciplinary decisions and reasons when the Discipline Committee makes a finding of guilt. These disciplinary decisions are then …
Registered Early Childhood Educators (RECEs) are committed to the personal safety, health, and well-being of all children. The Sexual Abuse Prevention Program empowers RECEs with proactive approaches to help prevent child sexual abuse. While this subject matter can be challenging, the program includes supports for members, so you can expand …
Council meets four times a year to oversee the College of Early Childhood Educators’ (College) activities in regulating the profession in the public interest. Here are highlights from the meeting held on June 14 and 15, 2023. New Council Members Following the Council elections held in April, Council welcomed two …