Connexions Professional Practice

In case you missed it: The Practice Guideline on Communication and Collaboration

Two women wearing masks bump elbows. On the right side of the image, the words “Practice Guidelines. Communication and Collaboration” is displayed.

To support communication and collaboration with adults in your practice setting, the College has introduced a Practice Guideline on Communication and Collaboration. The Practice Guideline is available as a digital resource, making the content interactive and easily accessible for all members.

Daily communication and collaboration are two activities that RECEs do.

As a professional in care and relationship-based practice, you recognize the importance of building meaningful and trusting relationships with children, families, colleagues, and community partners. The Practice Guideline is designed to help you to reflect on and strengthen your communication and collaboration knowledge, skills and approaches, including addressing challenging situations.

The need for communication and collaboration support

Communicating and collaborating are fundamental to your practice as RECEs. The Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice (Code and Standards) outlines your responsibilities related to communication and collaboration with families, colleagues, supervisees, and community partners. Take a moment to look at the following sections

Coming soon:

  • Section 3: Communication and collaboration with colleagues
  • Section 4: Collaborating with community partners and other professionals

Based on member and stakeholder feedback from the winter 2021 online survey to identify and confirm themes and topics related to understanding and applying the Code and Standards, “communication and conflict resolution” was identified as an area for further guidance. The College also conducted discussion groups with randomly selected members and stakeholders which confirmed that there is a demand for additional support for communication and collaboration with families and colleagues.

Use the Practice Guideline to support your daily practice

You can use this resource to expand your understanding of the:

  • Importance of communication and collaboration for developing meaningful and responsive relationships;
  • Elements of effective communication and using technology to communicate with families, colleagues and others in your community of practice;
  • Strategies to support effective communication and collaboration with families, including how to best have challenging conversations;
  • Strategies to strengthen communication with colleagues, including conflict resolution;
  • Ways to collaborate with community partners and other professionals.

Ways to make the most of the new digital format

The Practice Guideline’s digital format offers new learning features and benefits as outlined below.

  • Easily move from one section to another of the Practice Guideline based on your specific interest. A PDF version of each section is also available for download.
  • Save time looking for College and third-party resources using the hyperlinks provided.
  • The Pause and Reflects section at the bottom of the page offers scenarios and reflection questions. In addition, the Pause and Reflects can be downloaded as fillable PDFs or Word documents for your own continuous professional learning.
  • New and updated information and resources can be added to the Practice Guideline and you will be notified in the Connexions

Connect with a colleague to review the new Practice Guideline and improve your communication and collaboration today.

