Professional Practice

Documenting your Continuous Professional Learning

Showing you’ve participated in planned learning activities throughout your membership year is easy. Follow the steps below to complete the third component of the Continuous Professional Learning (CPL) Portfolio – the Record of Professional Learning, and review what you can include as evidence of participating in CPL learning activities.

Read more: Completing the Self-Assessment Tool and Professional Learning Plan

Record of Professional Learning

The Record of Professional Learning (Record) tracks the progress of your professional learning activities. Complete the Record, as outlined below, for each of your professional learning goals.

  1. Include the following in your Record:
  • Short activity description
  • Date completed
  • Provider (if applicable)
  • Documentation (see examples of evidence below)
  1. Identify how you integrated (or will integrate) your expanded knowledge into your professional practice.
  2. Reflect on the learning you completed by noting successes, challenges and if you achieved your goal. It is important to continuously reflect on your learning as you continue to work towards meeting your goals.

Charlene's Record of Professional Learning

CPL Documentation

Documentation is any piece of material that provides information on the activity in which you participated. As long as the documentation is related to your professional learning activity, and shows that you participated in the activity, it can be included with your Record. If in doubt, include the documentation with your Record.

You may choose to keep your documentation in any format (e.g., paper, electronic, audio/video/voice records), just ensure you indicate the type of documentation you have to support your Record and be prepared to share or provide access to your documentation if requested by the College.

Quick Tips:

  • Record: Throughout the year, update your Record as you complete your learning activities.
  • Documentation: Only include in your portfolio, documentation that is directly related to your professional learning goals.
  • Record and Documentation Storage: Store both the Record and documentation, paper or electronic, for six years.
  • CPL Portfolio Cycle Handbook: Read the handbook for additional information on completing each of the three components of the CPL Portfolio.

Check out the CPL Resources page for example portfolios and profiles to help you with your own CPL Portfolio.

