The beginning of fall is often a time of transition. As an RECE, you have strategies and practices to guide children, families and colleagues in your practice setting through these changes. However, the pandemic has created unfamiliarity for many. Beyond the typical transitions involved with starting a new program or …
In November 2020, we launched a survey asking RECEs who’ve completed a full, two-year portfolio cycle for their feedback on the Continuous Professional Learning program’s three portfolio components. Here are the highlights:
Early childhood education is a care and relationship-based practice. To support the well-being and holistic development of children, RECEs need theoretical knowledge about child development, curriculum and pedagogy, for example, and the skills to apply that knowledge in practice. That’s why practicum placements are a key component of all post-secondary …
Identifying, confronting and disrupting racism is essential and complex. As a profession, we have work to do. This effort can take many forms, including: individual learning; building relationships and sharing experiences; developing anti-bias curriculum; or advocating for change within our sector. All of these activities can be part of a …
Identifying, confronting and disrupting racism is essential and complex. As a profession, we have work to do. This effort can take many forms, including: individual learning; building relationships and sharing experiences; developing curriculum; or advocating for change within our sector. All of these activities can be part of a Registered …
Children need rest and quiet time. It helps them recharge and stay calm. We know that peace and quiet can differ from day to day and children are affected by their environment through daily care routines including sleep and rest time. Perhaps these ideas will help you rest easy as …
Identifying, confronting and disrupting racism is essential and complex. As a profession, we have work to do. This effort can take many forms, including: individual learning; building relationships and sharing experiences; developing curriculum; or advocating for change within our sector. All of these activities can be part of a Registered …
As the pandemic continues, RECEs may be feeling the stress of various professional responsibilities during these challenging times. We know that many of you are assuming different roles, modifying practice and learning new ways of being and doing. Reflective practice is more important than ever. What is reflective practice? Reflective …
While the pandemic has changed many facets of practice, one thing is certain: our resources are here to support and strengthen your practice approach. Our latest offerings can help you: Understand how professional supervision of your team can be an opportunity to enhance your practice; Learn about the relationship between …
Identifying, confronting and disrupting racism is essential and complex; as a profession, we have work to do. This work can take many forms, including individual learning, building relationships and sharing experiences, developing curriculum, or advocating for change in sector. All of these activities can form part of RECEs’ CPL goals …