RECEs working on their portfolio
Connexions Professional Practice

Updates to the CPL Program

The purpose of the CPL Portfolio is to ensure RECEs reflect on their practice and plan for, engage in, and document professional learning experiences linked to the Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice.

The Notice of CPL Program Requirements

In June 2019, Council approved revisions to the Notice of CPL Program Requirements. As a result, RECEs are only required to keep their documentation for four years instead of six.

The CPL Handbook

Last fall, members were asked to provide feedback on the CPL Handbook 2017. Based on your feedback, the College updated the handbook. Revisions include:

  • Updated the Self-Assessment Tool
  • Added information about the audit process
  • Design changes to reflect your feedback

Self-Assessment Tool

Members will notice a change in Part 3 of the Self-Assessment Tool. The reference to SMART goals and the requirement to indicate Professional Learning Priorities were removed. Members starting a new portfolio cycle after September 2019 are expected to use the 2019 version of the Self-Assessment Tool.

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Effective September 1, 2019, the College will begin to audit CPL portfolios. Auditing CPL portfolios allows the College to evaluate members’ understanding of and compliance with the CPL program and determine what additional resources may be needed to enhance member engagement and compliance with requirements.

Each year, the Registrar will determine the number of members selected for an audit. Members who are selected for an audit will be notified and will then have 30 days to submit their CPL portfolio with documentation. The College will provide feedback to the members after reviewing their CPL records.

New Portfolio Cycle

When starting a new portfolio cycle, remember you do not have to watch the Expectations for Practice module again and you won’t receive another handbook by mail. Just go to the College’s website and download the CPL Handbook 2019 and its required components:

