The College is pleased to welcome new and returning members to Council representing the South East Region (District 3), Central East Region (District 4) and South West Region (District 8). Council members will serve for a three-year term starting June 2024. The 24-person Council governing the College oversees policy development …
Council meets four times a year to oversee the College of Early Childhood Educators’ activities in regulating the profession in the public interest. Here are highlights from the meeting held on April 3, 2024. Good to Know Discussion with the Fairness Commissioner of Ontario Council welcomed the Fairness Commissioner of …
The Discipline Committee hears matters regarding allegations of professional misconduct and/or incompetence which have been referred by the Complaints Committee following investigation. The College is mandated to publish a summary of its disciplinary decisions and reasons when the Discipline Committee makes a finding of guilt. These disciplinary decisions are then …
At the core of the early childhood education (ECE) profession are incredible people who often focus on the needs of others before themselves, which can result in fatigue and burnout. When early childhood educators (ECEs) prioritize mental health and well-being, it benefits everyone, especially the children they care for. The …
The vast majority of RECEs are trusted, accountable professionals who practise the profession in a manner that supports the development and well-being of children. However, as a regulatory body that establishes and enforces ethical and professional standards to protect the public interest, the College has a responsibility set out in …
The Discipline Committee hears matters regarding allegations of professional misconduct and/or incompetence which have been referred by the Complaints Committee following investigation. The College is mandated to publish a summary of its disciplinary decisions and reasons when the Discipline Committee makes a finding of guilt. These disciplinary decisions are then …
Council meets four times a year to oversee the College of Early Childhood Educators’ (College) activities in regulating the profession in the public interest. Here are highlights from the meeting held on January 17, 2024. In the spotlight Council approved a new Language Fluency Policy that sets out the language …
February was formally recognized as Black History Month by the Government of Canada in December 1995, following the advocacy of Rosemary Sadlier, O. Ont (Order of Ontario) in collaboration with the Honourable Dr. Jean Augustine P.C., C.M., O.Ont., C.B.E. A former public Council member of the College, Rosemary Sadlier is …
Celebrating 15 years of dedication and passion in early childhood education
January 30, 2024
The College of ECE is celebrating its 15th anniversary on February 14. In recognition of this milestone, we’d like to share the thoughts of two RECEs who were in the sector at the time early childhood education became a regulated profession and have since shared their time and expertise with …
The Discipline Committee hears matters regarding allegations of professional misconduct and/or incompetence which have been referred by the Complaints Committee following investigation. The College is mandated to publish a summary of its disciplinary decisions and reasons when the Discipline Committee makes a finding of guilt. These disciplinary decisions are then …