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Connexions Professional Practice

Continuous Professional Learning (CPL) Program Audit: What you need to know

As members of a regulated profession, RECEs, regardless of employment status, role, or setting, are responsible for completing the CPL Program requirements, which include the Expectations for Practice Module, Sexual Abuse Prevention Program, and the annual CPL Portfolio Cycle.

To confirm member compliance with the CPL Program, and to collect data to inform resource development and communications, the College conducts an audit process to review members’ CPL Portfolio records.

This year, members who have declared completion of their CPL Portfolio Cycle will be eligible to be selected for a review of their CPL Portfolio records.

Here’s what you need to know about the audit.

What happens if I am selected for an audit?

If you’re selected, you will receive a notice from the College by e-mail. You will have 30 days to submit your CPL Portfolio documents to the College.

Your documents will be reviewed for compliance with the CPL Portfolio requirements, and you will receive communication from the College confirming your compliance and providing feedback, if necessary.

What can I do to be audit-ready?

All members are required to keep their CPL records for at least two years. In the event you’re selected for an audit, you will be required to submit the following completed components:

  1. Reflection and Planning Tool
  2. Record of Professional Learning
  3. Documentation or evidence to demonstrate participation in professional learning activities through your Record of Professional Learning. Some examples of learning documentation include:
    • list of publications and/or online resources you have read and any notes or reflections that you have made related to the content;
    • summaries of discussions from study groups or communities of practice;
    • certificates, receipts or agendas from workshops, conferences or courses;
    • descriptions of podcasts/webinars and any notes or reflections that you have made related to the content;
    • slides, handouts or feedback from any presentation you’ve conducted or attended;
    • a journal or ongoing self-reflection and planning for growth in your practice; or
    • research that you’ve conducted

What happens if a member is not compliant?

The College will take an educative approach with members who submit their portfolios. Members may receive feedback on their CPL Portfolio records if there are portions of their portfolio that have not been completed according to the instructions. Examples include:

  • goals in your portfolio that are not related to the practice of early childhood education;
  • goals that are not linked to the Standards of Practice;
  • learning activities that were completed in the past (i.e. before starting the portfolio cycle); or
  • Documentation that doesn’t clearly demonstrate that you engaged in professional learning.

Members may be asked to submit additional documentation if their CPL Portfolio is incomplete.

As per the Notice of CPL Program Requirements members who fail to participate in the audit process or complete the CPL Program requirements could have their Certificate of Registration suspended. For more information about the audit process, please refer to our FAQs.

For additional resources, including examples of portfolios for RECEs in different roles and career stages, check out the CPL Resources on our website.


