Black History Month is a time to recognize and celebrate Black individuals in Canada and around the world. It is also a time to have deeper conversations about ongoing systemic anti-Black racism that is rooted in colonialism. Today, these systems continue to impact Black communities. Some of these conversations challenge us to reflect and take action to confront the existing racial inequalities and economic disparities experienced by Black families and children.
We spoke with RECEs, Tonja Armstrong-MacInnis, Deirdra Joseph and Nicole Cummings-Morgan, who are co-leads of the Community of Black ECEs, a Care Collective of the Association of Early Childhood Educators of Ontario (AECEO). The Community of Black ECEs provides a space where Black RECEs can come together to share their stories, ideas, and resources.
Excerpts of this conversation are included below, with more to come in future issues of Connexions.
How does anti-Black racism show up in early learning education? How are Black children impacted by this?
Tonja: It shows up by folks in the field not recognizing their own biases and prejudices towards Black people – families and children. It shows up in microaggressions* and using words and phrases that are triggering, which can cause past traumas to resurface within a community that is supposed to be caring for those around them.
Anti-Black racism shows up by not seeing yourself represented in the world around you and having your choices in life limited. I remember when my son was told that it was best for him not to take advanced math when picking courses for high school. I had to step in and say that he is not limiting himself and his future options.
Children may not have role models or educators that support the healthy development of self, thus, they are not seeing choices in the learning environment, materials or resources, such as being a professional – a doctor, lawyer, educator – or even living a life that may be different from the one that they grew up in. It is about dreaming big and believing that you can be whatever you want to be! That may take others lifting you up and believing in you until you no longer need others to lift you – you can lift others – engaging in a positive cycle of greatness.
“*Microaggressions” are the “everyday slights, indignities and insults committed against marginalized groups because of their membership to those groups.” (Professor Derald Sue – Embrace Race)
You are the co-leads of the Community of Black ECEs. What led you to establish a group just for Black RECEs? What is the need this care collective is filling? What are some of your success stories with the group so far?
Establishing this community was based on what was happening in the world, but also because the AECEO was changing. In 2020 when George Floyd was murdered, I was a board member with the AECEO and, although the AECEO wanted to create a committee, I thought we should do more. We agreed to do more. Creating a group instead of a committee seemed more intentional and meaningful. I reached out to my fellow Black ECEs and they were good to go. I hosted the first meeting virtually in July 2020, I started a WhatsApp group, our numbers grew from 6 to 30 in 30 days, and we hosted an online conference, Confronting Anti-Black Racism in Early Childhood Education, where I was the moderator.
The conference had some very influential Black ECEs, Bernice Cipparrone-McLeod, Dr. Evelyn Kissi and Dr. Fikile Nxumalo who shared information that had not been discussed in this type of forum – a public webinar where everyone was listening. A diverse audience listening to Black ECEs and our stories. The panel shared information regarding inclusive and equitable practices, environmental education, settler colonialism in early learning contexts, and the intersection of Black critical disabilities.
We worked with a Black illustrator and designer to create a logo for our group. This helped us to feel like the group we wanted to be – self-determined. We contribute daily to the AECEO’s commitment to confronting anti-Black racism. We’ve attended meetings with the Ministry, we’ve engaged with the National Advisory Council on Early Learning and Child Care, and we’ve networked with other organizations who are working on confronting anti-Black racism. We have made moves.
The biggest success of our group is knowing that this Care Collective is filling the need for Black RECEs all over Ontario. We have had feedback from many members who share how important this community of practice has been. They’ve shared with us that this is the only place they have to discuss what they go through as Black RECEs in their working space. Other successes are the relationships that have been forged by our commonalities.
Deirdra: I joined the group after a friend told me about the community. I started attending meetings during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. This was very helpful for me because I was laid off from work, and the murder of George Floyd was all over the news. I had no support or community to turn to except for the Community of Black ECEs. Having the support of others who were experiencing some of the same things that I was helped me feel that I was not alone. It also provided a safe space where I could freely express my anger, frustrations and concerns without having to explain the backstory of why I felt that way. The community also provided encouragement which solidified my decision to return to school to advance my skills.
The community continues to evolve and serve various roles for Black RECEs. Currently we have provided the opportunity for Black educators from various backgrounds to host workshops that are open to anyone who wants to learn or in need of new ideas to support their children and families in their community.
Anti-Black racism can show up in subtle ways. How can an RECE recognize anti-Black racism? And how can they confront it in their practice and show up for their Black colleagues?
Nicole: An RECE can recognize anti-Black racism by understanding what it is. The Black Health Alliance defines it as, “…policies and practices rooted in Canadian institutions such as education, health care, and justice that mirror and reinforce beliefs, attitudes, prejudice, stereotyping and/or discrimination towards people of Black-African descent.”
Non-Black RECEs can support and show up for Black colleagues by understanding what anti-Black racism(ABR) is. They can support/show up by strengthening their reflective and self-awareness skills. And this is a skill. Being able to genuinely reflect on your actions and what you say is evidence that non-Black RECEs want to make a difference. However, if non-Black RECEs are flippant towards confronting ABR or they are sometimeish (a Caribbean way to say not consistent) about showing up – like when it benefits them – then it makes no sense. I do understand that it may seem difficult because they may not know what to say, but that’s why doing their research, reading, asking questions, and being sincere will help with that.
Tonja: RECEs can check their biases, be honest with themselves, and engage in continuous professional learning that supports equity, diversity, inclusion, and belonging. They can scan the environments that they work in and ensure that children and families are represented in the program. They can go beyond “tourist”** curriculum and ensure that they have resources that engage Black children and families.
As a person that is of mixed race and identifies as Black due to changes in society and others’ perceptions of me, I try to show up and understand that although we have a common identity, we are not homogenous. We are shaped by so much more than the colour of our skin, and we need to take the time and offer space to hear and truly value human connection and relationships.
Deirdra: Non-Black RECEs have to be willing to learn, ask questions, attend workshops, do their own research and self-reflect on how they as an individual can confront ant-Black racism. Once the information is learned, putting it into practice is the key. Many people are able to recognize racism but taking the steps to speak or act against it is where the support falls apart which then allows the cycle to continue.
**Tourist curriculum: A tokenistic approach of sharing food, music and clothing from certain cultures at specific times of the year.
Resources for RECEs Curated by Tonja, Nicole and Deirdra
For RECEs who are looking to deepen their understanding of Black history and anti-Black racism, there are support resources available. The Community of Black ECEs have also curated a list of children’s books you can read to children in your care, fostering meaningful conversations about diversity, inclusion and belonging.
This dialogue will continue beyond Black History Month. Stay tuned for articles in future issues.
Tonja, a 2021 Prime Minister’s Award Recipient for Teaching Excellence in Early Childhood Education, has over 30 years of experience in varying capacities within the field of early learning and care – including facilitating numerous workshops that incorporate early learning pedagogy with an anti-oppression and anti-racist lens. In addition to her diploma in Early Childhood Education, she holds a BA and MA in Early Childhood Studies. She is the Director of the Humber Child Development Centre and Manager of the City of Toronto’s Every Child Belongs Unit at Humber that consists of Resource Consultants and a Registered Nurse Practitioner.
Deirdra began her Early Childhood Educator journey at Seneca College. During her time as an RECE, she would often connect with the children who had needs, particularly those with Autism. This led her to obtain her Resource Teacher certificate and completing the Autism and Behavioral Science program at Seneca College. She also holds a bachelor’s degree in music. She currently works for the City of Toronto as a Resource Consultant.
Nicole is a mentor, advocate, community connector and collaborator. In addition to her RECE designation, she’s also an Ontario Certified Teacher, a professor in Early Childhood Education, an author and the owner and Executive Director of W1derus Educational Workshops Inc. W1derus Educational Workshops Inc. is a social enterprise dedicated to providing personal and professional workshops that contribute to the holistic well-being of individuals throughout their lifespan. Nicole is a former member of the Board of Directors of the Association of Early Childhood Educators of Ontario and the founder of the Community of Black ECEs.