The Discipline Committee hears matters regarding allegations of professional misconduct and/or incompetence which have been referred by the Complaints Committee following investigation.
The College is required to publish summaries of decisions made by the Discipline Committee when the makes a finding of guilt. These summaries are posted on our blog. The College is also required to publish the full decisions and reasons from Discipline matters, which can be found on the College’s website, and on CanLII, the Canadian Legal Information Institute’s website.
Melinda Jacqueline Hope Pontes, RECE # 00656
Facts: Over a period of three years, while employed as a Supervisor at Grandview Daycare in Grimsby, the Member received reports from staff and a parent that one of the RECEs repeatedly engaged in abusive, degrading, and forceful conduct toward toddlers and preschool-aged children.
The Member had direct responsibility for managing and supervising staff, yet she did not take adequate steps to prevent further abusive conduct and protect the safety and well-being of the children who were under the care of the RECE in question. The Member failed to report the concerns to the local Children’s Aid Society and failed to instruct other staff who identified the concerns to file their own report. The Member also failed to report the concerns to the Ministry of Education.
Findings: The Committee found that the Member had committed several acts of professional misconduct under Ontario Regulation 223/08, including failing to supervise adequately a person who was under her professional supervision; failing to maintain the standards of the profession;
acting or failing to act in a manner that, having regard to the circumstances, would reasonably be regarded by members as disgraceful, dishonourable or unprofessional; contravening a law, which contravention has caused or may cause a child who is under her professional supervision to be put or remain at risk; and acting in a manner that is unbecoming of a member.
The Panel noted the seriousness of the Member’s conduct and found that it demonstrated a lack of judgment and failure to adhere to her responsibility as a supervisor, such that it reflected negatively on the profession.
The Committee made an order as to penalty and costs:
- The Member’s certificate of registration was suspended for at least 6 months.
- Terms, conditions and limitations were imposed on the Member’s certificate of registration.
- The Member must appear before the Discipline Committee to be reprimanded.
- The Member will pay costs to the College in the amount of $1,000.
The full decision can be found here, linked under the heading “Special Notices”.
Tina Louise Carrière, RECE # 22546
Facts: While the Member was responsible for supervising preschool-aged children, she restrained a three-year-old child on their cot as they screamed, cried, and repeatedly attempted to push the Member’s arm away. Later the same day, the Member locked another three-year-old child in a bathroom unsupervised and alone for approximately one minute. The child felt scared and was emotionally dysregulated.
Finding: The Committee found that the Member had committed several acts of professional misconduct under Ontario Regulation 223/08, including physically abusing a child who was under her professional supervision; psychologically or emotionally abusing a child who was under her professional supervision; failing to supervise adequately a person who was under her professional supervision; failing to maintain the standards of the profession; acting or failing to act in a manner that, having regard to the circumstances, would reasonably be regarded by members as disgraceful, dishonourable, or unprofessional; and acting in a manner that is unbecoming a member.
The Committee made an order as to penalty and costs:
- The Member’s certificate of registration was suspended for at least 11 months.
- Terms, conditions and limitations were imposed on the Member’s certificate of registration.
- The Member must appear before the Discipline Committee to be reprimanded.
- The Member will pay costs to the College in the amount of $1,000.
The full decision can be found here, linked under the heading “Special Notices”.
Heather Anne Chechak, RECE # 132921
Facts: The Member was responsible for supervising a group of preschool-aged children, including a three-year-old child. The Member forcefully grabbed the child by the arm and spoke to them in a raised, angry tone while standing close to their face. As a result, the child felt pain, cried, and sustained a red mark on their arm.
Finding: The Committee found that the Member had committed several acts of professional misconduct under Ontario Regulation 223/08, including physically abusing a child who was under her professional supervision; psychologically or emotionally abusing a child who was under her professional supervision; failing to maintain the standards of the profession; acting or failing to act in a manner that, having regard to the circumstances, would reasonably be regarded by members as disgraceful, dishonourable, or unprofessional; and acting in a manner that is unbecoming a member.
The Committee made an order as to penalty and costs:
- The Member’s certificate of registration was suspended for at least 9 months.
- Terms, conditions and limitations were imposed on the Member’s certificate of registration.
- The Member must appear before the Discipline Committee to be reprimanded.
- The Member will pay costs to the College in the amount of $1,000.
The full decision can be found here, linked under the heading “Special Notices”.