Person taking notes on a notebook with laptop in front. Text displays “Council Meeting Highlights”.
Connexions Council Office of the Registrar

Highlights from the June Council Meeting

New Council Members

Following the Council elections held in April, Council welcomed four newly elected members: Amanda Barg (District 4) Cheryl Duffet (District 8), Tamashawn Mifsud (District 8), and Krystal Oxbro (District 3).

Council also welcomed back re-elected member Stacee Stevenson (District 4) and re-appointed member Geneviève Breton.

Council also welcomed Patricia Doyle to fill a vacancy in the elected positions for District 5 until the next election.

Council Chair and Vice Chair

Kristine Parsons RECE and Laura Urso RECE were re-elected by their peers on Council to the positions as Chair and Vice Chair of Council. They will each serve their third year in their role.

Find out more about the role of Council on our website.

In the Spotlight

Dr. Sue Eckenswiller and Stephanie Roy presented on the importance of land-based teaching for Indigenous education programs and provided an overview of the Indigenous Advanced Education Skills Council (IAESC).

The College has been working with staff from IAESC to develop a joint approval process for Indigenous institutes seeking to deliver autonomous ECE programs that meet the College’s education requirements for registration.

Good to Know

Council approved a new Practice Guideline: Professional Boundaries. This new practice guideline will help RECEs maintain professional relationships that are built on care, respect, trust and integrity and that fall within the parameters of their professional knowledge and competence. It will be available on the College’s website shortly.

