An RECE is on her laptop / Une femme utilise son ordinateur portable
Connexions Office of the Registrar Registration

You can now access your receipt online!

We have some good news – you can now access your membership fee receipt online through the My College Account portal.

How to access your membership receipt

First, you will need to sign into My College Account here.

Then, in the homepage, click on the “Receipts” tab. In this tab, you will find a list of your online receipts and you can choose which to print.

What else can I do in My College Account?

Within your profile, you can update your contact information (mailing address, telephone numbers).

During your renewal window, you can also update your employer information. It’s important to ensure that your workplace information is up-to-date as this determines which district you’re in. Ontario is divided up into eight districts to ensure that Council has representation from across the province.

If you change employers at any time outside of your renewal window, you must send in a change of information form to the College at and we will update the details on your behalf.

How to update your profile

Click on the “Personal Information” tab, and where you see pencil icons on the far right is where you can edit information. In case you missed it, check out our FAQs article for navigating online renewals here.

