Keeping your CPL portfolio cycle on track
Professional Practice

Keeping Your CPL Portfolio Cycle on Track

Engaging in ongoing professional learning forms part of the culture of early childhood education and is essential to professionalism and leadership. To help Registered Early Childhood Educators  remain current in their practice, the College implemented a framework for Continuous Professional Learning (CPL) that is self-directed and self-reflective to be flexible to your professional learning needs.

The CPL program includes a Self-Assessment Tool and Professional Learning Plan, designed to guide you through reflecting on your practice and setting your professional learning goals. To keep your CPL on track, use the first few months after you renew your membership to complete both documents – this will put you on the path of achieving your learning goals over the next two years.

Before deciding on your learning goals, it’s important to reflect on your practice to identify which areas you would like to focus your learning on.

The self-assessment tool’s reflection process consists of the three sections highlighted below.

1. Reflection questions

Use the questions provided to reflect on your experiences as an RECE and to help identify what you are great at, what your interests are, and possible areas for growth.

2. Review the Code and Standards

This section will help you reflect on the Code of Ethics and each of the Standards of Practice to identify your strengths, areas for growth, leadership development, and professional learning interests.

3. Setting Your Professional Learning Goals

Now that you have reflected on your practice and the Code and Standards, you can set three learning goals for your CPL Portfolio journey. Based on your responses in the first two sections, you can create goals that will help you stay current with changes in the sector, build on your self-identified areas for growth, leadership development, and/or professional learning interests.

Professional Learning Plan

The Professional Learning Plan is designed to help you organize your learning for the next two years. It will help you plot out the activities you need to complete to achieve your three professional learning goals.

Professional Learning Plan

There is a wide array of no-cost activities that you can use to complete your learning plan. Below are just a few activity examples that could support your learning goals.Learning Activities

The CPL framework allows you to set timelines for yourself that are realistic for you and that fit your life. When you set your timelines, consider what you can do now, and what is appropriate for the future.

For more CPL Portfolio Cycle resources visit the College’s website.

